The Metatrons Cube Necklace
Metatron cube - wearable protection jewelry for Man Acient ornament of the sacred geometry
Wear this necklace daily as your personal energy shield to protect you from the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields and radiation from computers, cell phones, Wi-Fi and other electronic devices and appliances.
Hand carved necklace in Keled Rocks Workshop.
Shungite supports the core chakras and will strengthen your intentions to be strong and healthy, to be courageous and to live in balance.
This symbol represents the journey of energy through the universe and the equilibrium within the universe. It is a great symbol to use when you want to manifest feelings such as patience, happiness and curiosity.
Details and Features
- Handmade item
- Solid carved stone
- Pendant height: 1.5" inch (35 mm); width: 5 mm
- Necklace resizeble 12" - 24" (22 - 54 cm)
- Comes in our signature gift packaging
This jewelry is made of genuine and certified Type 2 stones, which may vary slightly in texture (quartz and pyrite inclusions) as all stones are natural.
Shungite is a natural mineral with a scientifically proven ability to purify water and air as well as protect against harmful electromagnetic fields.
The fullerene C60 contained in its internal structure is responsible for its amazing properties, including neutralizing toxic energies on both the physical and subtle energy levels.
New products may have traces of fullerenes on them, which can be disturbing, but it is perfectly safe and even healthy. Traces are easily removed with an alcohol wipe or soap.
Jewelry Care: We recommend removing jewelry before showering, bathing or swimming. To clean, gently wipe it with a damp cloth.
Sacred geometry is the study of patterns, shapes and relationships that we often find in the natural world. It is the "architecture of the universe," sometimes considered "the fingerprint of God." With the help of geometry, mathematical ratios, proportions and harmonics we can predict and understand everything related to our reality.
The flower of life consists of thirteen identical circles and if to connect the center of each circle with other circles with a straight line there will be 78 lines which form a majestic image the Cub of the Metatron.
The Metatron's Cube contains all the geometric figures in God's creation, representing the diagrams that make up all physical matter, known as Platonic solids. It is considered a diagram of God's energy flowing in proper balance so that all aspects of nature are in harmony.
He symbolizes the unity of the finite and the infinite and is often used in meditation to enhance the flow of energy and connect with the equilibrium state within.
Archangel Metatron is known as the angel of life who guards the Tree of Life and watches over the flow of energy.